  • Eexterweg 25, 9461 BB Gieten, The Netherlands
  • +31 (0)640299730


Eexterweg 25, 9461 BB Gieten, The Netherlands


+31 (0)640299730

Safe + Easy Donations


Kasulu District is located in the northwest of Tanzania, it is one of the six districts of the Kigoma region, which has about 2.1 million (2012) inhabitants and is 9,324 square kilometers (approx. 4 times smaller than the Netherlands). This is one of the very backward regions in terms of development. Kasulu District has nearly 426 thousand inhabitants (2012). Many residents of the Kasulu district live off their land where maize, beans, bananas, cassava and many fruits are grown. The roads are often impassable, especially in the rainy season. It is often difficult to move from one location to another, making it very difficult for sick people, for example, to go from home to a hospital. read you  more about Kasulu here.  Also read about the foundation activities and view Kasulu photos Kasulu in the story  ‘Wealth in Poverty’ .

How Do We Help?

The Kasulu Foundation works with the local church in  Kasulu District , west  Tanzania .

Reaching and stimulating parents and local communities is done by the nuns and father who live and work in Kasulu district. They are the ones who know the communities and who don’t go to school for what reasons (orphans, street children, children from families who cannot afford a school-aged child).

Parents who have children of school age can apply for sponsorship using an application form. The local church makes the selection who is eligible for sponsorship. The sponsorship is independent of religion or political affiliation of parents or children